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Here we examined distribution of Na/K-ATPhase α-subunit in rat cerebral structures, which activity changes in Parkinson-like syndrome. The study was aimed at analyzing quantitative change in diverse different isoforms of Na/K-ATPhase α-subunit in model of Parkinson-like syndrome as well as after refining it by using thymus hormone thymulin. The study was performed on 42 sixweek-old Wistar rats males by dividing animals into 3 groups: 2 experimental and 1 control group. To simulate Parkinson-like syndrome, a solution of 1-methyl 4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) was administered intranasally. 10 days after MPTP inoculation, thymus hormone thymulin was abdominally administered to animals in one experimental group for 5 days. It was demonstrated that level of tissue-specific isoforms of Na/K-ATPhase α-subunit was peaked in hypothalamus, amygdaloid body and striatum, the minimal level was observed in medial prefrontal and prefrontal cortex. It was estimated that in MPTP-stimulated model of Parkinson’s disease, the level of Na/K-ATPhase α1-subunit was significantly higher in striatum, amount of α2-subunits was decreased in the hippocampus, whereas the level of α3-subunit was elevated in the cerebellum compared to control group. Administration of thymus hormone thymulin corrected changes in level of α1, α2 and α3-subunits observed after exposure to neurotoxin.

About the authors

A. G. Korolev

M. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Korolev A.G., graduate student, Faculty of Biology, Department of Higher Nervous Activity Russian Federation

A. V. Novoseletskaya

M. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.

Novoseletskaya Anna Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Faculty of Biology, Department of Higher Nervous Activity

119234,  Moscow, Lenin Hills, 1, bldg 12. Phone: 7 (495) 939-50-01

Russian Federation

N. M. Kiseleva

Russian National N. Pirogov Research Medical University

Kiseleva N.М., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Pharmacology Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Korolev A.G., Novoseletskaya A.V., Kiseleva N.M.

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