- Authors: Obraztsov I.V.1,2, Ryabov A.Y.3, Tsuranova N.S.4, Balykova E.V.4, Paramonov A.I.4
- G.N. Speranskiy City Children Hospital
- Oncogenotest company
- Ludwig-Maximilian University
- A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology
- Issue: Vol 22, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 1393-1401
- Submitted: 20.09.2020
- Accepted: 20.09.2020
- Published: 20.12.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 533
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About the authors
I. V. Obraztsov
G.N. Speranskiy City Children Hospital;Oncogenotest company
Author for correspondence.
PhD, allergy and immunity physician,
Russian FederationA. Yu. Ryabov
Ludwig-Maximilian University
GermanyN. S. Tsuranova
A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology
a physician anesthesiologist-resuscitator,
Russian FederationE. V. Balykova
A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology
a physician anesthesiologist-resuscitator,
Russian FederationA. I. Paramonov
A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology
a physician anesthesiologist-resuscitator,
Russian FederationReferences
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