- Authors: Karpuk I.U.1, Novikov D.K.1
- Vitebsk State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 57-64
- Submitted: 17.04.2020
- Accepted: 17.04.2020
- Published: 15.10.2017
- URL:
- ID: 109
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the release of myeloperoxidase from the neutrophils and lactoperoxidase from the salivary glands into the oral liquid after oral-buccal provocative tests with components of dental materials to diagnose hypersensitivity to them in patients with intolerance to dental materials. The study group consisted of 24 patients with intolerance to dental materials. Patients underwent an oral-buccal provocative test with 0.001 % solution of metal salts: NiCl2, CrCl3, CoCl2. It was found that an increase in the level of peroxidase activity in the oral fluid was observed in patients with intolerance to dental materials after an oral-buccal provocative test, but not in patients of the control group. It was shown that the oral-buccal provocation test with a solution of metal salts in patients with intolerance to dental materials after the removal of prosthetic constructions caused the release of myeloperoxidase from neutrophils in the oral fluid. The increase in the total level of peroxidase activity in the oral fluid was due to myeloperoxidase, but not lactoperoxidase. The method for determining the total oral peroxidase activity in a tetramethyl benzidine test can be used to detect intolerance to dental materials due to hyperreactivity of neutrophils.
About the authors
I. U. Karpuk
Vitebsk State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
PhD, Leading Research Associate Department Clinical of Immunology and Allergology
210029, Belarus, Vitebsk, ul. Pravdy 66‑112
BelarusD. K. Novikov
Vitebsk State Medical University
MD (Medicine), Professor, Head Department Clinical of Immunology and Allergology
Vitebsk BelarusReferences
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