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Currently, the search for ways to overcome drug resistance to anthelmintics is relevant. This problem is solved by limiting the duration of use of drugs with the same mechanism of action and combination of anthelmintics. The studies presented in the article have shown that the use of immunotropic drugs is also very promising.

Materials and methods.  40 white mice and 20 white rats were used for experimental modeling of Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella nativa invasions. Changes in lymphoid tissue associated in the intestine, in the spleen, as well as in the peripheral blood of animals and birds during inoculation of the above species were studied. Further, the effect of drugs with immunotropic activity was studied on proven models of Trichinella spiralis invasions, for which 30 white mice (20.5+2.5 g) were used, which were randomized and divided into groups.  The evaluation of the protective properties of immunotropic drugs in trichinosis was carried out on laboratory models to determine the survival rate in studies after euthanasia of all mice and counting the number of Trichinella larvae. Both experiments were conducted in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. After removing laboratory animals from the experiment (in accordance with the principles of the above declaration), macro- and microanatomic studies and sampling of histological material (sets of intestines and spleens) were carried out for qualitative and quantitative assessment. 

Results and conclusions. The above is confirmed by the fact that parasitological studies have established the high effectiveness of polyoxidonium in relation to the survival of Trichinella larvae, which was accompanied by an increase in the area of lymphoid tissue associated with the intestine and the white pulp of the spleen, in which lymphoid follicles grew. Thus, polyoxidonium is an effective drug that can be used in the complex treatment of nematodes as an immunotropic agent.

About the authors

Olga Zhdanova

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Scriabin (Moscow);FGBNU IN Vyatka GATU

Email: Oliabio@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4912-8518
SPIN-code: 2528-4402
ResearcherId: AuthorID: 640693

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Parasitic Zoonoses

Russian Federation, B. Cheremushkinskaia, 28. Moscow

Oleg Andreianov

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Scriabin

Email: oleg_84@yandex.ru

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Parasitic Zoonoses

Russian Federation, Б Черемушкинская 28, Москва

Andrew Martusevich

Vyatka GATU Federal State Budgetary University

Email: Cryst_mart@Yandex.ru

D.B.N., V.N.S., laboratories of innovative technologies of food production

Russian Federation, GBNU Viatsky GATU

Olga Vladimirovna Chasovskich

Vyatka GATU Federal State Budgetary University

Author for correspondence.
Email: beoli@mail.ru

Head of the Department of Physiology

Russian Federation, FGBNU Viatsky GATU


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Copyright (c) Zhdanova O., Andreianov O., Martusevich A., Chasovskich O.V.

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