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Neutrophils are the first line of defense against infectious diseases. The contribution of neutrophils to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis is controversial and not fully understood. In this study, we analyzed the heterogeneity of neutrophil populations in patients with tuberculosis and control subjects. In patients with tuberculosis, there is an increase in the number of low-density neutrophils compared with control subjects. We have found that the low-density neutrophil population is heterogeneous and contains a subpopulation of activated cells.

About the authors

Y. V. Serdyuk

Сentral tuberculosis research institute

Email: yv_serdyk@mail.ru

PhD student, Junior Staff Researcher Laboratory of biotechnology,


Russian Federation

T. A. Nenasheva

Сentral tuberculosis research institute

Email: fake@neicon.ru

PhD, Senior Staff Researcher Laboratory of biotechnology,


Russian Federation

I. Yu. Nikitina

Сentral tuberculosis research institute

Email: fake@neicon.ru

PhD, Senior Staff Researcher Laboratory of biotechnology,


Russian Federation

N. L. Karpina

Сentral tuberculosis research institute

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Doctor of Medical Sc., Head of the Consultative department,


Russian Federation

I. V. Lyadova

Сentral tuberculosis research institute

Author for correspondence.
Email: fake@neicon.ru

Doctor of Medical Sc., Head of the Laboratory of biotechnology,


Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2019 Serdyuk Y.V., Nenasheva T.A., Nikitina I.Y., Karpina N.L., Lyadova I.V.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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