Immunological features of reactive arthritis depending on the inflammatory activity

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The analysis of the immune status in 150 patients with reactive arthritis (ReA) depending on the infl ammatory activity of the disease was carried out. A statistically signifi cant inhibition of T-dependent reactions (CD3+-, CD8+- and CD4+), inhibition of neutrophil phagocytic activity, increase in blood proinfl ammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-8) is directly proportional to the increase in the degree of disease activity. Increased content of CD20+, CIC, IgA and Ig M. There is an imbalance of cytokines and the dependence of their concentrations on the degree of infl ammatory activity of ReA, with an increase in which the content of IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ increases in direct proportion, which should be taken into account in the therapy.

About the authors

M. . Zhuravleva

Orenburg State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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