Prediction of papillomavirus infection by after therapy of women and men from family couples
- Authors: Markeeva D..1, Telesheva L..1, Lysenko O..1, Baisakalova E..1
- South Ural State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 358-364
- Submitted: 22.10.2020
- Published: 15.07.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 894
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An important role in carcinogenesis in both women and men is played by the immune system. With a high established classifi cation accuracy by the method of discriminant analysis was revealed that in women from married couples with HPV VKR the fi nal function allows to determine the prognosis of the eff ectiveness of the elimination of the virus after the treatment as a result of substituting the value of the functional reserve of neutrophils of cervical mucus in the function, while the fi nal result is compared with the values of centroids 1.163 and –0.263, i. e. at a higher value of the last HPV, stimulation is not detected (p <0.002). In men from married couples, when substituting in the analogous formula the functions of the absolute neutrophil viability, the functional reserve of the neutrophils of the ejaculate, and the viral load, the centroid values fi t into the values 11,700 and –1,003 and the HPV of stimulation is not detected at a higher value of the fi nal result (p <0.001).
About the authors
D. . Markeeva
South Ural State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
L. . Telesheva
South Ural State Medical University
Russian Federation
O. . Lysenko
South Ural State Medical University
Russian Federation
E. . Baisakalova
South Ural State Medical University
Russian Federation
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