Body sensitization to various antigens in children with chronic hepatitis B and concomitant giardiasis

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The aim of the study was to evaluate body sensitization by measuring antigen-binding lymphocytes specific to various antigens in children with chronic hepatitis B and intestinal giardiasis.
The study of ASL was carried out in 126 children with CHB and 30 apparently healthy children aged 4 to 14 years. Among children with CHB, 93 had confirmed intestinal giardiasis (group I), and the remaining 33 were patients without lambliasis (group II). Sensitization and an autoimmune process were detected by assessing activity of specific immunity parameters such as ASL amount by indirect rosette formation against HBsAg, G. lamblia and intestinal tissue. We found that intensity of disease activity and ASL level against the examined antigens were paralleled evidencing about sensitization and autoimmune reactions related to giardiasis invasion in children with CHB. Depending on the duration of CHB with lamblial invasion ASL study data showed that prolonging disease duration resulted in lowered ASL to HBsAg peaking upon disease lasting up to 3 years. Apparently, it might be accounted for by body mobilization fighting against infection in general biological sense, and their further decline may occur due to host adaptation to increased antigenic load. The amount of ASL to the intestinal tissue was also somehow related with duration of the disease. The data obtained indicate increased self-sensitization along with increased duration of the disease. Similar data were obtained while studying amount of ASL to G. lamblia, thereby confirming a role of sensitization and self-sensitization in pathogenetic mechanisms of the developing CHB with giardial invasion especially during long-term course. Thus, the course of CHB with lambliasis invasion is accompanied by reaction of specific immune arm. Rise in amount of ASL to HBsAg, intestinal tissue and G. lamblia occurs along with deteriorating degree of disease activity and duration of hepatic disease suggesting about importance of sensitization and self-sensitization in pathogenesis of CHB development with giardiasis invasion, aggravating the course and outcome of the disease. The data reliability allows to conclude that giardiasis infection and prolongation of both hepatic pathological process and entire infectious process in children with CVH are directly interconnected. These data clearly underscore importance of timely eradication of G. lamblia upon liver damage. At the same time, administration of specific drugs (scheme) should be performed by taking into account its hepatotoxicity, bioavailability and effectiveness.

About the authors

N. F. Nurmatova

Tashkent Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

Nurmatova Nargiza F. - PhD, MD (Medicine), Pediatrician-Allergist, Associate Professor, Department of Childhood Diseases No. 1

100109, Tashkent, Almazar district, City of doctors, 5, apt 7

Phone: +99890-321-34-78


N. Kh. Mirsalikhova

Tashkent Medical Academy


PhD, MD (Medicine), Pediatrician, Associate Professor, Department of Childhood Diseases No. 1



M. А. Asilbekova

Tashkent Medical Academy


PhD (Medicine), Pediatrician, Assistant Professor, Department of Childhood Diseases No. 1



F. Kh. Irsalieva

Tashkent Medical Academy


PhD, MD (Medicine), Allergist-Immunologist, Associate Professor, Department of Allergology and Immunology



N. D. Dustbabaeva

Tashkent Institute for Post-Graduate Medical Education


Assistant Course in Clinical Allergology, Allergologist-Immunologist



J. Kh. Akhmedov

LLC “Granat Stom”


PhD (Medicine), Dentist

Nazarbek village, Tashkent region



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Copyright (c) 2020 Nurmatova N.F., Mirsalikhova N.K., Asilbekova M.А., Irsalieva F.K., Dustbabaeva N.D., Akhmedov J.K.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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