- Authors: Glushkov A.N.1,2, Polenok E.G.1, Gordeeva L.A.1, Mun S.A.1, Kostyanko M.V.2, Titov V.A.3, Voronina E.N.4, Rogozin A.I.2, Voloshina A.I.2, Vafin I.A.5, Ragozhina S.E.5
- The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SBRAS (Institute of Human Ecology)
- Kemerovo State University
- Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Kemerovo
- Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS
- Regional Center of Blood, Kemerovo
- Issue: Vol 21, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 141-149
- Submitted: 15.04.2020
- Accepted: 15.04.2020
- Published: 15.04.2018
- URL:
- ID: 67
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The associations of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene and estradiol (IgG-Bp, IgG-Es) with IL1B(rs1143634, rs16944), IL1RN(VNTR, intron 2), IL4 (VNTR, intron3), IL6 (rs1800795), IL10 (rs1800896), TNFA (rs1800629, rs361525) gene polymorphisms in 228 smoking healthy men (NM) and 657 lung cancer patients (LCP)were studied. There was revealed association of gene polymorphism only of TNFA (rs1800629) with LC, but not others cytokines. LC risk in GG carriers was high (OR = 1,1–2,3; p = 0,007) and in GA carriers was low (OR = 0,4–0,9; p = 0,01). LC risk was low (OR = 0,3–0,7; p = 0,0002) when both IgG-Bp and IgG-Es were absent. LC risk was high (OR = 1,8–4,4; p = 0,0001) when levels both IgG-Bp and IgG-Es were increased. IgG-Bp and IgG-Es formation was associated with TNFA (rs361525) gene polymorphism in HM (p = 0,007), and with IL1RNVNTR genepolymorphism (p = 0,003) and IL1B(rs16944) (p = 0,007) in LCP. There have first reported a relationship between cytokines gene polymorphisms and specific immune responses on chemical carcinogens and endogenous steroids in healthy donors and lung cancer patients. Immunoassays of IgG antibodies to Bp and Es combined with molecular-genetic studies of TNFA (rs361525), IL1RNVNTR and IL1B (rs16944) are recommended for the lung cancer risk assessment.
About the authors
A. N. Glushkov
The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SBRAS (Institute of Human Ecology); Kemerovo State University
Author for correspondence.
MD, Professor, Director of Institute of Human Ecology
650065 Kemerovo, avenue Leningradsky, 10
Russian FederationE. G. Polenok
The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SBRAS (Institute of Human Ecology)
PhD (Pharmacy), Chief of Immunochemistry Laboratory of Institute of Human Ecology
Russian FederationL. A. Gordeeva
The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SBRAS (Institute of Human Ecology)
PhD (Biology), Chief of Immunogenetics Laboratory of Institute of Human Ecology
Kemerovo Russian FederationS. A. Mun
The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal chemistry SBRAS (Institute of Human Ecology)
PhD (Medicine), Senior Research Fellow of the Immunogenetics Laboratory of Institute of Human Ecology
Kemerovo Russian FederationM. V. Kostyanko
Kemerovo State University
Leading Engineer of the Organic Chemistry Chair of Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Kemerovo Russian FederationV. A. Titov
Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Kemerovo
Chief of Thoracic Department
Kemerovo Russian FederationE. N. Voronina
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS
PhD (Biology), Research Fellow of Pharmacogenomics Laboratory
Novosibirsk Russian FederationA. I. Rogozin
Kemerovo State University
Master of Genetics Chair of Institute of Biology, Ecology and Natural Resources
Kemerovo Russian FederationA. I. Voloshina
Kemerovo State University
Master of Genetics Chair of Institute of Biology, Ecology and Natural Resources
Kemerovo Russian FederationI. A. Vafin
Regional Center of Blood, Kemerovo
Main Physician
Russian FederationS. E. Ragozhina
Regional Center of Blood, Kemerovo
Assistant of Main Physician
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