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The one of the most signifi cant factor of immunosuppression is chronic herpetic infection. The absence of vaccine and unclear knowledge about reactivation`s pathogenesis also emphasize the importance of additional immune response study. We research the level of T-cell subpopulations during chronic herpetic infection. Treg percentage in main group was exceed one`s level in healthy control group. Also the signifi cant increasing of Th1\Th2 index was examined.

About the authors

S. V. Knysh

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific state medical university» Ministry of Health Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: immunolog.vl@gmail.com

assistant professor of normal and pathological physiology department,


Russian Federation

V. A. Malkov

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific state medical university» Ministry of Health Russia

Email: fake@neicon.ru

assistant professor of normal and pathological physiology department,


Russian Federation

A. V. Shiraeva

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pacific state medical university» Ministry of Health Russia

Email: fake@neicon.ru

student of medical faculty, 


Russian Federation

E. V. Baibarina

«Center Vrachebnoi Cosmetologii»

Email: fake@neicon.ru

dermatologist, company director,


Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2019 Knysh S.V., Malkov V.A., Shiraeva A.V., Baibarina E.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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