- Authors: Ermolaeva E.N.1, Sashenkov S.L.1, Kantyukov S.A.1, Petuhova V.I.1, Jakovleva V.P.2
- FSBEI of Higher Education “South Ural State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
- FSBEI of Higher Education “Ural State University of Physical Culture“
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 1140-1144
- Submitted: 25.08.2020
- Accepted: 25.08.2020
- Published: 15.10.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 491
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Exercise was modeled in an experiment on 42 white mongrel rats. Chronic physical exercise submaximal power was modeled by daily swimming for 30 minutes – 21 days: the fi rst seven days the animals swam without load for 30 minutes, the next two weeks with a load of 2% of body weight. On the 9th, 15th and 21st day of the experiment, the animals were additionally subjected to maximum exercise: they swam for 4 minutes with a weight of 20% of their body weight. Ceruloplasmin was administered on the 1st, 4th and 7th day of physical activity, in a total dose of 60 mg / kg body weight. Blood sampling was carried out on the 9th, 15th and 21st day of the experiment. Under the experimental conditions in rats, it was shown that chronic physical exertion of submaximal power leads to the activation of the functional activity of leukocytes and an increase in the production of IL-6 by 15, 21 days and IL-4 by 21 days of the experiment. The introduction of ceruloplasmin during physical exertion of submaximal power levels out elevated levels of cytokines (IL-6, IL-4) and leads them to control indicators.
About the authors
E. N. Ermolaeva
FSBEI of Higher Education “South Ural State Medical University” of the Ministryof Health of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
PhD, associate professor, Department of Normal Physiology named after academician Yu. M. Zakharova,
Russian FederationS. L. Sashenkov
FSBEI of Higher Education “South Ural State Medical University” of the Ministryof Health of the Russian Federation
MD, professor, head of the Department of Normal Physiology named after academician Yu. M. Zakharova,
Russian FederationS. A. Kantyukov
FSBEI of Higher Education “South Ural State Medical University” of the Ministryof Health of the Russian Federation
PhD, associate professor, Department of biological chemistry named after R. Lifshits,
Russian FederationV. I. Petuhova
FSBEI of Higher Education “South Ural State Medical University” of the Ministryof Health of the Russian Federation
PhD, senior lecturer, Department of Normal Physiology named after academician Yu. M. Zakharova,
Russian FederationV. P. Jakovleva
FSBEI of Higher Education “Ural State University of Physical Culture“
PhD, associate professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Healthy Technologies and Physical Culture of the East,
Russian FederationReferences
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