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The paper presents comparative data of a specific mice immune response to immunization with F. tularensis 15 NIIEG and its derivatives: F. tularensis SRI-1 or F. tularensis 15/23–1ΔrecA. The results of our experiments showed that after immunization of mice with a vaccine strain and its derivatives, antibodies to F. tularensis LPS appeared in the blood of animals and their level did not significantly diff er between groups. Protection levels of these groups of immune mice against challenge with the highly virulent strain of F. tularensis Schu were different. A comparative analysis showed different expression levels of activation markers and co-stimulating molecules were observed on the surface of B and T lymphocytes on day 3 after mice immunization with different strains.

About the authors

A. S. Kartseva

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

M. V. Silkina

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


junior researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

O. V. Kalmantaeva

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Ph.D., researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology, 


Russian Federation

R. I. Mironova

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


researcher, Laboratory of Anthrax microbiology,


Russian Federation

V. V. Firstova

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

V. M. Pavlov

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Microbiology laboratory of Tularemia,


Russian Federation

I. G. Shemyakin

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, deputy director for Research, 


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Kartseva A.S., Silkina M.V., Kalmantaeva O.V., Mironova R.I., Firstova V.V., Pavlov V.M., Shemyakin I.G.

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