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Vaccine prevention of anthrax in Russia is carried out according to epidemiological indications 1 time per year with the use of live anthrax vaccine. The main problem is the lack of a method to control the immunological efficacy of vaccination. The article presents data that analyzes the anthrax human humoral and cellular immunity among donors vaccinated 10–12 months ago with live anthrax vaccine. It was shown that in the blood serum of the most vaccinated donors did not detect antibodies to the protective antigen (PA). However, in all vaccinated patients (with the exception of one donor) T and B lymphocytes circulated in the blood enhanced proliferative activity ant the expression of activation receptors on their cell surface in response to PA in vitro. The obtained data suggested that predominantly specific cellular immunity is persisted in the long-term after vaccination against anthrax.

About the authors

M. V. Silkina

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

A. S. Kartseva

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


junior researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

O. V. Kalmantaeva

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Ph.D., researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

M. M. Rogozin

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


junior researcher, Laboratory of molecular biology,


Russian Federation

V. V. Firstova

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of molecular biology, 


Russian Federation

I. G. Shemyakin

Federal Budget Institution of Science «State Research Center for Applied Microbiology&Biotechnology» of Federal Service of Consumer Right Surveillance&Human Welfare, Ministry of Health&Welfare


Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, deputy director for Research,


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Silkina M.V., Kartseva A.S., Kalmantaeva O.V., Rogozin M.M., Firstova V.V., Shemyakin I.G.

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