- Authors: Antsiferova Y.S.1, Malyshkina A.I.1, Abdullaeva L.H.1
- Federal state budget establishment «Ivanovo’s Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood name V. N. Gorodkov» of Healthy Ministry of Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 22, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 1377-1384
- Submitted: 14.09.2020
- Accepted: 14.09.2020
- Published: 20.12.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 531
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It was supposed that endometriosis development is associated with autoimmune disorders, but the character of B-lymphocytes functioning during this gynecological disease practically is not studied. The aim of our work was to elucidate the character of the peripheral and peritoneal B-cells differentiation in patients with endometriosis and infertility. 59 women, who underwent surgical treatment of infertility in gynecological clinic, were carried out into investigation. I–II stages of endometriosis were diagnosed in 35 women and III–IV stages – in 24 women. 31 women, who underwent surgical sterilization, formed a control group. Peripheral blood and peritoneal fluid were used as the material for investigation. Peripheral and peritoneal B-lymphocytes phenotype was estimated by multicolor flow cytometry. It was found that during endometriosis at the systemic and local level the content of plasma cells, unswitched CD19+IgD+CD27– naïve B-lymphocytes was increased and the level of switched CD19+IgD–CD27+ memory B-cells was diminished. In peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis the amount of unswitched CD19+IgD+CD27+ memory B-cells was also decreased. In healthy women the population of peritoneal B-lymphocytes differed from peripheral B-lymphocytes by higher content of unswitched CD19+IgD+CD27+ memory B-cells and lower level of naïve B-lymphocytes. In women with endometriosis at the local level the amount of unswitched CD19+IgD+CD27– naïve B-lymphocytes and switched CD19+IgD–CD27+ memory B-cells was lower and levels of CD27–IgD– and CD27+IgD+ memory Bcells were higher than that in the blood. Likely, the noted elevation of autoantibodies production during endometriosis may be due to increased levels of peripheral and peritoneal naïve B-lymphocytes and diminished amount of peritoneal unswitched memory B-cells, participated in the regulation of the autoantobodies production.
About the authors
Yu. S. Antsiferova
Federal state budget establishment «Ivanovo’s Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood name V. N. Gorodkov» of Healthy Ministry of Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
BD, leading scientific worker of the Laboratory of clinical immunology,
Russian FederationA. I. Malyshkina
Federal state budget establishment «Ivanovo’s Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood name V. N. Gorodkov» of Healthy Ministry of Russian Federation
MD, professor, director,
Russian FederationL. H. Abdullaeva
Federal state budget establishment «Ivanovo’s Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood name V. N. Gorodkov» of Healthy Ministry of Russian Federation
junior scientific worker of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology,
Russian FederationReferences
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