Methods of correction of the functional infringements of phagocytes and local manifestations of oxidative stress in the multiple shell of the nose region with use of ultrasound cavitation
- Authors: Korkmazov A..1, Korkmazov M..1
- South Ural State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 325-328
- Submitted: 22.10.2020
- Published: 15.07.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 888
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The results of studying the eff ectiveness of the use of ultrasound cavitation therapy in patients with curvature of the nasal septum in the early postoperative period are presented. Research methods: microbiological, immunological (assessment of phagocytosis activity and intensity, nitrous tetrazolium reduction test), biochemical (investigation of lipoperoxidation intensity in terms of primary, secondary and fi nal products of lipid peroxidation: diene conjugates, ketodienes and conjugated trines, Schiff bases in lipid extract), statistical. Positive dynamics of functional and biochemical activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in nasal washings in persons who underwent rhinosurgical intervention after ultrasound cavitation therapy is shown, which indicates the presence of qualitative and quantitative changes in neutrophilic granulocytes of nasal secretion, recorded in reactions of oxygen-dependent metabolism, free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection using the method ultrasound cavitation therapy in early postoperative period.
About the authors
A. . Korkmazov
South Ural State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
M. . Korkmazov
South Ural State Medical University
Russian Federation
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