
Evaluation of anti-TNF treatment efficiency in children with immune-dependent diseases by means of testing the NF-κB activity in lymphocyte populations
Petrichuk S.V., Radygina T.V., Kuptsova D.G., Kurbatova O.V., Semikina E.L., Murashkin N.N., Potapov A.S., Fisenko A.P.
Association of gene polymorphism and cytokine content in the blood serum in children with allergic bronchial asthma
Prosekova E.V., Dolgopolov M.S., Turyanskaya A.I., Sabynych V.A.
In vitro effects of recombinant IFNα2B on the content of antigen-presenting CD66b+CD16+CD33+HLA-DR+ subset of neutrophils in children with acute osteomyelitis
Nesterova I.V., Chudilova G.A., Teterin Y.V., Chicherev E.A., Chapurina V.N., Tarakanov V.A., Barova N.K.
Clinical and immunological efficacy of the immunomodulating hexapeptide arginyl-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine in the complex postoperative treatment of children with acute osteomyelitis
Chudilova G.A., Chicherev E.A., Teterin Y.V., Chapurina V.N., Tarakanov V.A., Barova N.K., Nesterova I.V.
Features of immune status in children with Wilson–Konovalov disease at different stages of liver fibrosis
Kurbatova O.V., Kuptsova D.G., Bezrukavnikova L.M., Radygina T.V., Movsisyan G.B., Anushenko A.O., Komarova A.D., Potapov A.S., Petrichuk S.V., Fisenko A.P.
Expression of CD39 and CD73 ectonucleotidases in CD4+ lymphocyte populations in healthy children
Radygina T.V., Kuptsova D.G., Petrichuk S.V., Semikina E.L., Fisenko A.P.
Role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in prediction of the effectiveness of biologics in children with psoriasis
Kuptsova D.G., Radygina T.V., Freidlin E.V., Kurbatova O.V., Murashkin N.N., Petrichuk S.V.
Role of minor lymphocyte populations in development of liver fibrosis in children with glycogen storage disease
Kurbatova O.V., Petrichuk S.V., Movsisyan G.B., Kuptsova D.G., Radygina T.V., Anushenko A.O., Semikina E.L., Potapov A.S.
T helper subsets during the acute post-traumatic period in children
Zakirov R.S., Petrichuk S.V., Freidlyn E.V., Kuptsova D.G., Yanyushkina O.G., Karaseva O.V.
Significane of determining antinuclear antibodies in systemic connective tissue disorders in children
Zhuzhula A.A., Kurbatova O.V., Snovskaya M.A., Petrichuk S.V., Komyagina T.M., Tryapochkina A.S.
Modulating effects of hexapeptide on the altered phenotype of neutrophil granulocyte CD16+CD62L+CD11b+CD63- and CD16+CD62L+CD11b+CD63+ subsets in children with acute osteomyelitis in the in vitro system
Chudilova G.A., Teterin Y.V., Chapurina V.N., Chicherev E.A., Tarakanov V.A., Nesterova I.V.
A clinical case of secondary eosinophilia in a child
Mukhametzyanova V.G., Rybakova O.G., Palchenko P.M., Petrunina S.Y.
Concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines in supernatants of peripheral blood cell cultures in children with autoimmune and infectious diseases
Krivolapova I.M., Pashnina I.A.
Content of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in autoimmune diseases in children
Radygina T.V., Kuptsova D.G., Petrichuk S.V., Potapov A.S., Murashkin N.N., Abdullaeva L.М., Kurbatova O.V., Tsvetkova V.S.
Efficiency of combined postoperative treatment including an immunomodulatory Hexapeptide in children with acute destructive pneumonia
Chapurina V.N., Nesterova I.V., Chudilova G.A., Kovaleva S.V., Lyagusha D.E., Teterin Y.V., Barova N.K., Tarakanov V.A.
Coordination of the NF-κB signaling pathway and lymphocyte metabolism in children with autoimmune diseases
Kurbatova O.V., Radygina T.V., Kuptsova D.G., Petrichuk S.V., Movsisyan G.B., Potapov A.S., Murashkin N.N., Abdullaeva L.M., Fisenko A.P.
Leukocyte cytokine expression is associated with severity of autism in children
Filippova Y.Y., Alekseeva A.S., Burmistrova A.L.
Immune system dysfunction in purulent inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area in pediatric patients
Mitropanova M.N., Ponomarenko T.A., Chudilova G.A., Teterin Y.V., Chapurina V.N.
Type III interferons in community-acquired pneumonia in children
Iziurova N.V., Savochkina A.Y., Uzunova A.N., Nikushkina K.V.
Allergic disorders in children living in different climatic and oecological areas of the Kaliningrad region
Markhaichuk A.Z., Gorbunova A.Y., Sidorova D.A., Razina A.S., Goncharova E.A.
Age-dependent patterns of the baseline cytokine levels in unstimulated peripheral blood samples
Lagereva Y.G., Palitsyna O.V., Ischenko N.V.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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